Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nothing makes me happier than a sad clown...

My life can best be described as a constant struggle against my own inherent laziness and complete lack of motivation. I enter periods in my life where I'm so focused on a single objective only to be distracted and thrown off course by the most inconsequential activities. I look back on the past few years and feel a tangible weight to the amount of time that I wasted on the most trivial things. How much time did I waste playing World of Warcraft? Halo 2? Browsing the Internet? I then see that I'm "wasting" my precious time by dwelling on the past and begin to realize how futile it is to think of time as something that can be wasted. Every experience in my life has shaped who I am as a person, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Out of the billions upon billions of possible outcomes, this is the one that stuck and rather than feel that my time has been wasted, I should take it all in as a learning experience.

Learning from past stupidity to prevent future stupidity. I like the sound of that.

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